Explore a collection of my development projects, showcasing skills in frontend web development. Each project highlights key technologies and solutions built to address real-world challenges.

Mars Rover Photos
It's a project where you can view photos taken by NASA's rovers on the planet Mars. The client uses NASA's public API to fetch the data, and various filters can be applied for a more specific search.
Technologies Used: Next.js - Redux Toolkit - Chakra UI - Axios - TypeScript - Jest - Mars Rover Photos API
Completed: September 2023

Mercado Libre Searcher
It's a project that integrates Mercado Libre's public API to search for products on sale. The application includes various filters to perform more specific searches.
Technologies Used: Next.js - Redux Toolkit - Axios - TypeScript - Styled-Component - Jest - Mercado Libre Public API
Completed: October 2023

Digimon Searcher App
It's a project where you can search for Digimon by name or level. It also displays the complete list of Digimon by default.
Technologies Used: Next.js - Redux Toolkit - Tailwindcss - Daisy UI - TypeScript - Jest - Digimon API
Completed: September 2024

Employee Performance Management App
This project is an employee performance evaluation management application. It allows administrators and managers to manage employees, conduct evaluations, and generate performance reports. Employees can view their evaluations and access a report of their performance.
Technologies Used: React.js v18 - Redux Toolkit - Redux Persist - Tailwindcss - Daisy UI - TypeScript - Vitest - Axios - React Router - React Hook Form
Completed: November 2024

Employee Performance Management API
This project is an API for managing performance evaluations within an organization. It allows administrators, managers, and employees to interact with the system to view, create, and manage evaluations.
Technologies Used: Express.js - Node.js - JWT (Json Web Token) - Zod - TypeScript - Vitest - MongoDB - Mongoose
Completed: November 2024

CSV File Upload Application
This project is the frontend interface of a web application that allows users to upload CSV files, review and correct validation errors in the records, and retry the process. Authentication is handled using JWT, and the interface is built with React, Vite, Tailwind CSS, and TypeScript. The components are dynamic, providing an interactive and seamless user experience.
Technologies Used: React.js v18 - Tailwindcss - Headless UI - TypeScript - Vitest - Axios - React Router - React Hook Form
Completed: November 2024

User Upload and Validation API
This project is a RESTful API developed in Node.js with Express and TypeScript. It enables user authentication and allows the upload of CSV files to create user records in a PostgreSQL database. The application restricts CSV uploads to administrators only, ensuring data validation to maintain consistency and data quality.
Technologies Used: Express.js - Node.js - JWT (Json Web Token) - Zod - TypeScript - Vitest - PostgreSQL
Completed: November 2024

Real Estate Listings Platform
A modern web-based real estate listings platform that allows users to browse, search, and filter property listings. Built using React, Redux Toolkit, and TypeScript, the platform provides a seamless and interactive user experience with a clean architecture and reusable components.
Technologies Used: React.js v18 - Redux Toolkit - React Router - TypeScript - Tailwindcss - React Hook Form - Vitest
Completed: January 2025